Taking the plunge (or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Firefox 3)

So, Ubuntu screwed me over fracked up my profile when they decided to change the default browser in Hardy (to Firefox 3.0). After much sorrow and dispair (where I accidently started Firefox 3 a couple of times and my trick for restoring the addons didn’t work. The first time I didn’t have a backup of my profile) I decided the time had come to take the plunge and switch to Firefox 3....

May 26, 2008 · 2 min · alj

Debian randomness

Let’s try to sum up the Debian OpenSSH problems Last 4...

May 21, 2008 · 1 min · alj

Using Sonofon Mobile Broadband with Ubuntu

I just got my Sonofon Mobile Broadband package and was eager to see if it would work with my Linux machine. The modem is marked as an Option Icon 225 HSDPA and is by default detected as an USB storage device (which holds the Windows drivers). Getting the modem to work in Linux is done by these three components USB_Modeswitch HSO kernel module HSOConnect Start by downloading the three pieces of software (versions below will vary)...

May 15, 2008 · 2 min · alj

Hardy Herron: Firefox 2 and Java

For some reason the sun-java6-jre (or whatever Java you have installed) package in Hardy does not install it self as a plugin for Firefox-2 Perhaps there is a more elegant fix to this problem but I simply did $ cd /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ $ sudo ln -sf /etc/alternatives/iceweasel-javaplugin.so . iceweasel-javaplugin can be controlled by update-alternatives...

May 13, 2008 · 1 min · alj

Kanal5's manglende interesse for DTC

Kanal5 (som er ejet af SBS TV) har op til dagens sæssonstart på DTC aggresivt markedsført deres transmission forholdsvist kraftigt, blandt andet ved at bruge Casper Elgaard som ekspertkommentator (fra Kanal5.dk): Kanal 5 sender direkte fra løbene og har allieret sig med et nyt og yderst kompetent kommentatorteam bestående af racerkører Thomas Wulff, der i dag arbejder som biljournalist samt den tredobbelte DTC-mester Casper Elgaard fra Team Essex I realiteten har Kanal5 valgt at sende to timer søndag eftermiddag – i modsætning til tidligere hvor man sendte fra det meste af løbsdagen....

May 4, 2008 · 2 min · alj

Comon og ORDB.org

Comon har her til formiddag publiceret en artikel om ORDB.org. Den handler kort fortalt om at folk mister mail fordi ORDB.org er begyndt at returnere falske positive svar på alle forespørgsler. Der er et par, mener jeg, fejl i den artikel. Fejl som redaktionen ikke er enige i. I stedet for at diskutere med journalisten i deres forum har jeg valgt at offentliggøre mine synspunkter her. Comon har tre (offentliggjorte) kilder til deres artikel....

April 28, 2008 · 2 min · alj

Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Herron) released

The Ubuntu team has announced the release of Ubuntu 8.04 Long Term Support (codename Hardy Herron), yay! I have been running Hardy since somewhere around Tribe 2 on my primary workstation and besides some problems with VMware Workstation it has been a smooth ride. I run Openbox as my desktop environment so I have noticed any real differences in that department but it seems that RANDR works better now allowing me to just hibernate the computer (I use an external screen at work) instead of having to reboot it....

April 24, 2008 · 1 min · alj

Adding new LUNs (easier) on Linux

Previously we ran Linux on HP servers with HP OEM’ed QLogic HBA’s. One nice thing about that was that the HP driver pack containted a couple of nice support scripts (namely hp_rescan) – We used the HP drivers because the driver in the kernel (earlier on at least) did not support multi-pathing. When we started using IBM xSeries servers we had the following configurations: SLES9 with QLogic drivers SLES10 with multipath RHEL4 with multipath RHEL5 with multipath The problem with all configurations is that none of them sported anything like hp_rescan....

April 6, 2008 · 2 min · alj