Good news everybody! VMware Workstation 6.5 is out

First of all I didn’t fall of the face of the planet. I’ve just been really busy with work, travelling a lot. After upgrading my kernel to 2.6.27 as part of the Ubuntu Intrepid test cycle I’ve sort of given up on VMware Workstation, considering switching to VirtualBox or kvm. Luckily it caught my attention that VMware had released Workstation version 6.5. I installed it and lo and behold! It’s working out of the box with kernel 2....

October 10, 2008 · 1 min · alj

Lenovo Thinkpad T61, XFCE and volume keys

Update 27-02-09: After upgrading to Jaunty Jackalope (kernel 2.6.28) the multimedia keys are now mapped correctly and can be assigned to shortcuts in Xfwm. I have recently switched my primary desktop environment from Openbox to XFCE and suddenly found that the volume keys on my T61 didn’t work like they used to (in both GNOME and in Openbox (running gnome-settings-daemon)) they just worked. In XFCE, not so much – even...

August 17, 2008 · 2 min · alj

Fixing Python's "unknown locale"

One problem I run into every time I upgrade Python or install a new Ubuntu computer is this (caused by me running locale en_DK) raise ValueError, 'unknown locale: %s' % localename ValueError: unknown locale: en_DK I am not an Python expert (not even remotely) so I used some time looking for some sort of fix for this problem. Open the file /usr/lib/python2.5/ and find the line containing en_gb (around line 760) and then add this above:...

August 17, 2008 · 1 min · alj


Om restaurationsregninger – og topskat Et forsøg på en forklaring er historien om de ti personer, der hver dag går ud på restaurant og spiser middag sammen. Den fælles regning på restauranten ender hver dag på 1.000 kroner, og de ti deler den op på nogenlunde samme måde, som vi betaler skatter her i landet. De første fire – de fattigste – skal derfor ikke betale noget. Den femte skal betale 10 kroner, den sjette 30 kroner, den syvende 70 kroner, den ottende 120 kroner og den niende 180 kroner....

August 1, 2008 · 3 min · alj

VMware Workstation 6.0.4 on Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex (Kernel 2.6.26)

Update 01-11-08: VMware Workstation 6.5 is out and seems to have done away with the need for patching the installation After upgradering my workstation to Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex (8.10) I have run into the same problem as always with VMware Workstation. It will not compile against the installed kernel (in this case 2.6.26). This problem is not isolated to Ubuntu but affects all distributions using a 2.6.25 or 2.6.26 kernel (from what I gather)....

July 23, 2008 · 3 min · alj

Large hadron collider

I don’t if the large hadron collider will turn into a black hole but I’m enjoying the cartoons on the subject :)...

July 9, 2008 · 1 min · alj

VMware Workstation 6.0.4 on Ubuntu Hardy Herron

VMware released VMware Workstation 6.0.4 almost a month ago and reading the release notes I had high hopes On Ubuntu 8.04 hosts (which use kernel 2.6.24), when you install VMware Workstation, the vmnet module does not build. (bug 236605) and it certainly does compile. But… After installing it, when one tries to fire up the first virtual machine Workstation croaks with this message I’ve tried some of the vmware-any-any patches from vmkernelnewbies but they all broke the vmblock module....

June 28, 2008 · 1 min · alj

No Joost for Linux

This really ticks me off. According to this thread in Joost forums, Joost does not plan to support Linux in the foreseeable future. In case is disappears from their forum here is the message This is what Joost really thinks of Linux…we’re not part of their “business objectives”…I’m done with them. Hi, We’re currently working on improving the performance of the PC and Mac versions available today. Although there has been demand for a Linux version of Joost, we have to prioritize our business objectives....

June 7, 2008 · 2 min · alj