Using ISO-8859-15 encoding with Twirssi

Since I run irssi all the time, packing as many features into it as possible seems like a nice idea. So I use bitlbee to connect to Messenger, Google Talk/Jabber and ICQ and I have been using tircd (Twitter/irc gateway) and (Twitter/Google Talk gateway) to connect to Twitter; but none of them works like I want them to. Today I stumbled across Twirssi, a script for irssi to interact with Twitter....

December 25, 2009 · 2 min · alj

AT&T Global Network Client on Ubuntu article updated

It’s been a while since I last looked at my AT&T Global Network Client on Ubuntu article (primarily because I never actually used the article when I worked at IBM). Anyway, at some point AT&T reorganized their FTP server, breaking the download link – The rest of the article is still valid....

December 23, 2009 · 1 min · alj

Backup and bare-metal restore with rdiff-backup

I know there are lots of different backup tools for Linux and that many people recommend Mondo Rescue but I have never been able to make it work properly (my last attempt resulted in 8 DVD images totaling 31 GB – The source of the backup was 140GB), no doubt my own fault. So I decided to write down how I made backup and bare-metal restore using rdiff-backup work for my own future reference; and what better place to write it down than in my own blog :)...

October 16, 2009 · 4 min · alj

Setting the correct locale in Karmic

I want to use ISO-8859-15 instead of UTF-8 because I use IRC a lot. For some reason the tip I posted a long time ago does not work in Ubuntu Karmic Koala (the trick was to add the correct locale and then selecting it from GDM). This seems to do the trick. After adding your locale to /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local like so en_DK ISO-8859-15 regenerate locates $ sudo locale-gen --purge The next step is to change the locale globally...

October 8, 2009 · 1 min · alj

Running Windows applications natively and seamlessly on Linux with SeamlessRDP and Virtualbox or KVM

Background In the past I have written a couple of articles on how to run Windows applications using SeamlessRDP and Sun xVM (Virtualbox) and [Linux KVM]( Linux KVM) (Kernel-based Virtual Machine). After reviewing both articles I have decided to write a new article encompassing both hypervisors and correcting some of the mistakes I have found as well improvements made by a couple of guys who have done quite a deal of testing: Thomas Hansson and Peter Clarén....

October 3, 2009 · 12 min · alj

XFCE: Unable to perform shutdown

At some point during the Jaunty test cycle shutting down and rebooting the machine stopped working with the Action Buttons menu applet – It would fail with the message “Unable to perform shutdown” and some HAL-related messages. While annoying I didn’t put any real effort into solving the problem, until today. I didn’t have to look long though as the answer was in the Arch Linux forum. Open the file /etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit....

May 5, 2009 · 1 min · alj

Fixing unknown locale in Python 2.6

The fix itself is the same as for Python 2.5 – only the line numbers have changed. Open the file /usr/lib/python2.6/ and find the line containing en_gb (line 855) and add these lines (this works for Danish locales): 'en_dk': 'en_DK.ISO8859-1', 'en_dk.iso88591': 'en_DK.ISO8859-1', 'en_dk@euro': 'en_DK.ISO8859-15', In order to avoid this change getting overwritten by packages updates, I use dpkg-divert: $ sudo dpkg-divert --add --rename --divert /usr/lib/python2.6/ /usr/lib/python2.6/ $ sudo cp /usr/lib/python2....

March 25, 2009 · 1 min · alj

Running Windows applications on Linux with KVM and SeamlessRDP

Please go to the updated article. Since I wrote the post about running Windows applications on Linux with Sun xVM VirtualBox and SeamlessRDPI have been using the system almost daily to run some applications needed at work. It has been running well except for crashes in VirtualBox from time to time. Two new releases of VirtualBox has not fixed the problem.<p class="wp-caption-text"> Setting connection limit in Terminal Services </p> <p class="wp-caption-text"> Redirected local resource in RDP </p> ...

March 8, 2009 · 1 min · alj