I’ve been using the excellent terminal emulator Terminator for a long time. Terminator sports (among other things) split screen and “cluster support” (grouping of screens, making it possible to type the same thing in all terminals).
In previous versions of Ubuntu (Terminator versions prior to 0.14) Terminator would pick all settings from GNOME Terminal, including character encoding (ISO-8859-15 in my case). Apparently this is no longer the case in Ubuntu 10....
I’m not going to dwell on the subject – The Ubuntu Design team (and in the end Mark Shuttleworth) decided to change the titlebar button layout as part of the new Light GNOME theme (which is a really nice theme); for more information read this article
Being the good Ubuntu fanboy that I am, I have really tried to embrace this new layout – But every time I move the mouse pointer to the right side of the window only to find the close button missing, I grew increasingly frustrated....
I decided to upgrade my laptop to 10.04 beta 1.
When the update was done (something I had to do at home because the damn Update Manager does not work with proxies, at least not when running it manually) I was left without a working Xorg configuration, apparently because the fglrx (non-free) ATI driver did not support the x-server used in Lucid. According to the release notes, the fix is the use the open source driver (ati) instead....