Port forwarding with OpenWRT Kamikaze

Port forwarding in itself is nothing new in OpenWRT, though the way it is done has changed dramatically between White Russian and Kamikaze. One reoccurring problem is that port forwarding only works for packets coming in through the wan interface – In White Russian it was possible to add some clever rules to /etc/firewall.user but things does not seem to be so easy in Kamikaze (even if it is possible to include /etc/firewall....

May 10, 2009 · 3 min · alj

XFCE: Unable to perform shutdown

At some point during the Jaunty test cycle shutting down and rebooting the machine stopped working with the Action Buttons menu applet – It would fail with the message “Unable to perform shutdown” and some HAL-related messages. While annoying I didn’t put any real effort into solving the problem, until today. I didn’t have to look long though as the answer was in the Arch Linux forum. Open the file /etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit....

May 5, 2009 · 1 min · alj

Fixing unknown locale in Python 2.6

The fix itself is the same as for Python 2.5 – only the line numbers have changed. Open the file /usr/lib/python2.6/locale.py and find the line containing en_gb (line 855) and add these lines (this works for Danish locales): 'en_dk': 'en_DK.ISO8859-1', 'en_dk.iso88591': 'en_DK.ISO8859-1', 'en_dk@euro': 'en_DK.ISO8859-15', In order to avoid this change getting overwritten by packages updates, I use dpkg-divert: $ sudo dpkg-divert --add --rename --divert /usr/lib/python2.6/locale.py.real /usr/lib/python2.6/locale.py $ sudo cp /usr/lib/python2....

March 25, 2009 · 1 min · alj


First of all I apologize for www.nowhere.dk being offline for more than a week. The outage was caused by a change of ADSL providers (from TDC to Cybercity for those who want to know). I did consider moving the site somewhere else but I have been very busy :)...

March 17, 2009 · 1 min · alj

Running Windows applications on Linux with KVM and SeamlessRDP

Please go to the updated article. Since I wrote the post about running Windows applications on Linux with Sun xVM VirtualBox and SeamlessRDPI have been using the system almost daily to run some applications needed at work. It has been running well except for crashes in VirtualBox from time to time. Two new releases of VirtualBox has not fixed the problem.<p class="wp-caption-text"> Setting connection limit in Terminal Services </p> <p class="wp-caption-text"> Redirected local resource in RDP </p> ...

March 8, 2009 · 1 min · alj

Ny, gratis, DNS-udbyder ser dagens lys

I går, efter flere måneders test, åbnede QuickDNS dørene for offentligheden. Hvorfor endnu en DNS-udbyder? Jeg har et ambivalent forhold til GratisDNS. Servicen er god nok (og prisen rigtig :) ), men jeg er ikke altid enig med Peter Larsen; specielt hans involvering i dotdk har gået mig på. Heldigvis ser det ud til at man nu kan vælge udbyder hvor det tekniske er i højsædet. QuickDNS er en non-profit-tjeneste, der tilbyder DNS-service til vores brugere....

March 5, 2009 · 1 min · alj

Using hdapsd in Ubunty (Jaunty Jackalope)

One of the cool features in a Thinkpad is HDAPS or IBM Active Protection System as it’s called. The system consist of two parts. The driver that enables reading the acceleration data and some sort of userspace software that does the actual parking of the harddrive heads, usually hdapsd. The hdaps driver is part of the kernel but the driver maintainers actually recommend using the tp-smapi driver instead. So that’s what we’ll do....

February 17, 2009 · 2 min · alj

Sun releases xVM VirtualBox 2.1.4

Yesterday Sun released the second maintenance release for VirtualBox 2.1 See the Changelog for more details. Actually my Windows VM has been running smoothly since I upgraded to 2.1.2 but as usual there is a bunch of bugfixes in this release. Download it here....

February 17, 2009 · 1 min · alj