Desktop wallpapers

My collection– Enjoy. (This is the same folder I use for randomized backgrounds on my computers)...

February 16, 2014 · 1 min · alj

Damn you, Google!

First post in a long time – Don’t worry, I haven’t been abducted by aliens from Omicron Persei 8 So today, Felicia Day launched her new personal show called the The Flog. Since I enjoyed this first episode immensely I decided it was time to extend my use of Youtube and subscribe to the channel (user?) Geek & Sundry. To the *sshats at Google: Why, oh why, do you punish me for using Google Apps?...

April 2, 2012 · 2 min · alj

May you have a fortuitous New Year

Live long and prosper!...

December 30, 2011 · 1 min · alj

Season's Greetings

Have yourselves a merry little Christmas....

December 24, 2010 · 1 min · alj

I'm not dead

But I haven’t really had anything to write about. I assure you, if anything pops up, I will make a real blog post :) My Twitter account is updated somewhat regularly and I post less important stuff (mostly links to stuff) on Tumblr....

September 30, 2010 · 1 min · alj

The joys of outsourcing

I normally don’t post stuff written by others but I just had to share this one. It’s from and sums up my experience with outsourcing to India really well. Hello there! Please refer to your opening on job posting site. I, Rajesh Sharma, would like to apply for the job.[…]My hourly rates are $ 9 USD. We all like to pretend this isn’t here and it isn’t happening, but I would say conservatively half the job market has disappeared in 10 years due to this currency/standard of living imbalance....

January 27, 2010 · 2 min · alj

Me. On StreetView

Yes. That’s me – in our French spaceship...

January 26, 2010 · 1 min · alj

Datatalk ApS erklæret konkurs

Egentlig ikke en nyhed da virksomheden blev erklæret konkurs 24/12-2009, men jeg har først set det i dag. Som jeg tidligere har skrevet om har vi stadig et udestående på næsten 1700 kroner med dem. De penge er desværre nok tabt for evigt (der er altid mulighed for at gøre krav mod konkursboet, men umiddelbart skulle det krav have været fremsat til kurrator senest 16/01-2010, men vi vil forsøge alligevel, selvom chancerne er minimale)....

January 24, 2010 · 1 min · alj